Godi media ने की Modi के खिलाफ़ बग़ावत | khabarhaat 

Tavleen Singh writes: Modi appears to be throwing away his own lead in this election If this election has a single big issue, it is Modi himself. People who plan to vote for him say it is because they believe he will keep his promise of making India a developed country. Those who will be voting against him say this is because they believe that he has failed to deliver on that promise of ‘achche din’

Updated: May 5, 2024 09:33 IST

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The reason is that I am going to say today in absolutely clear language that the Prime Minister is demeaning himself and India with the latest twist that his campaign has taken.The reason is that I am going to say today in absolutely clear language that the Prime Minister is demeaning himself and India with the latest twist that his campaign has taken.
Writing a political column is fraught with difficulties in these days of social media.