The Kashmir Files is a propaganda movie, won’t see it, Kashmiri Muslims protected pandits: Former RAW Chief A.S. Dulat By Rabia Shireen March 22, 2022 

“Many pandits who chose to stay behind were protected by Muslims and they did stay back. Even after the abrogation of Article 370, the pandits have not been targeted,” A.S. Dulat added. When asked if it is really possible for the pandits to return to Kashmir? He said that if they went back, their neighbors and friends would try to protect them. However, building separate colonies for them would be entirely the wrong way to go about it, says Dulat adding, “If you built a separate colony for them, they would be targeted.”

Dulat, who is considered one of the country’s foremost experts on Kashmir and the insurgency said, “The Kashmir that he came back to after four or five months, it was totally different from the Kashmir he had left. He has quite shaken himself.”

A Kashmiri Pandit Girl Bashes Vidhu Vinod Chopra  In Front Of Audience | Shikara Movie Review 

Whatsapp Message posting this video:  I salute this Brave Kashmiri Pandit woman! It's not easy going against the popular Majority narrative that you are being fed with.
This requires Integrity to question the constant Fake one sided propaganda.
This requires courage to stand up and not let Hatred and deceit go unchallenged!

There is no one perfect, no community perfect and it takes a lot to point out to the evil done within ones own community, the community where you belong before Judging others! May many of us have the same courage. Art must be used for Reconciliation and forgiveness , not for making us Blood thirsty and vengeful! Down with one sided Hate filled propaganda #KashmirFiles